Category: Shortsightedness

That old saying about assumptions

There are times when the size of the bubble in which I live becomes very evident. The issue is that it’s generally after I’ve already made an incorrect assumption and subsequently made an ass out of u and me (mostly me). I first heard the word “Permeability” while in University in the context of neighbourhood…
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You gotta keep em separated

I’m a private person, especially with my home life. It’s not that I’m living a criminal life, cooking meth in my bathtub at night like I’m Heisenberg. It’s just that I like to do my thing (write, crush Breaking Bad episodes and talk both to and on behalf of my cat) in solitude sometimes. Maybe…
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The Law of 90%

Have you ever started a project that you’re jacked up about, work on it for awhile, get it to a certain point and then either abandon it or let it fade out when you’re about 90% done? Yeah…… neither. My brother and I joke about the Law of 90% because we have a very predictable…
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Bridge over the River North Saskatchewan

The Walterdale Bridge replacement project was a shitshow. Over budget, Korean steel delivered a year late, and contractor squabbles somewhat tarnished the project. When it opened, there were more than a few “finally”‘s and snide, side-of-mouth opinions being broadcast by Edmontonians. And for good measure, of course. It’s a major artery connecting south Edmonton with…
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Plan View is sexy

In my day job as a Planner, that I certainly won’t be quitting unless this blog really takes off, I do a lot of work in Plan View. Looking at things from 10,000, 5,000 or 1,000 feet above ground level is just what planners (and birds) do. It’s supposed to give an overall picture of…
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